These include Track Hire of a variety of tracks around the nation, including Karting circuits for Corporate and Track Days, custom-themed Corporate and Team
Building days to individual and small group Racing Experiences, Super Bike Days to Leisure Day, we can arrange it. Vehicle hiring and most other requirements can be
arranged. When necessary, accommodation is available on request. It is advisable to enquire well in advance to ensure availability and organisation for
a seamless experience.

- Ideal for Corporates & Team
Building - Book the Entire Venue and Vehicles
- Subject to sufficient notice
- Circuits
- Pop-up Venues
- Entertainment Venues
- Outdoor Venues
- For any Themed Events Per Event
Requirements - Documentation & Itinerary
- Add-ons
as per Add-on Section

- Ideal for Corporates & Team Building
- Book the Entire Venue and Vehicles
Subject to sufficient notice - Documentation & Itinerary
- Half or Full Day or Longer
- Preparation Driver/Rider Training
- Extreme
- Leisure
- Mechanical Support
On Request
Most Categories of MotorSport - Add-ons
as per Add-on Section

- Ideal for Multiple Activities
- Ideal for Leisure or Extreme
- Adventure Tours
- Ideal for Tourists
- Most Adventures & Tours have Pre-arranged
- Accommodation Included
- Bookings and Documentation
Can be Arranged
Subject to sufficient notice - Itinerary
- Shuttle Services Available